Thursday, 23 April 2015

KIMS PGAIET Result , KIMS PGAIET hall ticket, KIMS PGAIET allotment


Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed University Karad is located in Western Maharashtra, India against the background of mountains and valleys. The campus is spread over 60 acres and is well connected by national highway to Mumbai & Pune International Airport.

The constituent colleges of the University include Medical, Dental, Physiotherapy, Nursing and Biotechnology offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses in respective faculties. It also runs Ph.D. programs in Anatomy, Community Medicine, Pharmacology, Microbiology and Nursing.

The medical college is about 29 years old and is recognized by the Medical Council of India, Medical Council of Malaysia and is listed in the WHO's world directory of Medical Schools. MBBS and postgraduate degree/diploma courses in clinical and basic sciences in 17 disciplines are recognized by Medical Council of India. It also admits the international students from all over the globe for MBBS course.

It has state-of-art museums with large collection of specimens and models in Anatomy, Pathology, FMT, Microbiology, Pharmacology etc. The diagnostic laboratory has applied for NABL accreditation and is already running as per its norms. The Lead Referral Laboratory is one of its kind in Maharashtra state. The new addition of well equipped molecular & human genetics laboratory is a feather in the cap which is involved in research and services for Thalassemia, Dushene's Muscular Dystrophy, Breast & Cervical Cancer, HCV, HPV and other genetic disorders.

The teaching hospital is 1100 bedded multi specialty tertiary care hospital with facilities for Critical Care, Endoscopic Surgeries, Dialysis, Cardiology, Cardio-vascular-thoracicsurgery, Oncology, Urology, Neuro surgery & Plastic surgery etc. Permission for renal transplant surgery is granted and institute expects to do the first renal transplant in very near future. It has fully equipped major operation theaters, minor theaters, labor rooms, blood bank, radio-diagnosis and radiotherapy, computerized medical records, counseling services etc. There are separate intensive care units like Medical, Surgical, Coronary care, Pediatric, Neonatal, Respiratory and Obstetrics. The neonatal ICU is recognized by Neonatology Forum of India. The radio-diagnosis department has facilities for MRI, color doppler, mammography, DSA etc.

The hospital and the medical college is involved in several community projects like HIV/AIDS, cancer, family planning, prevention of blindness, tuberculosis control, detection and prevention of malnutrition, diagnostic camps, school health check-ups and blood donation camps.
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